Pod farm reason 9.5
Pod farm reason 9.5

pod farm reason 9.5 pod farm reason 9.5

I will have to compare going completely dry(no PF) and through PF in dry mode as well, to see if I'm hearing any processing because I'm pretty sure I've compared the two before and they were the same. and I haven't ever experienced any issues with latency. I will test my UX2 out sometime today and see if I can replicate your issue, I usually don't open PF when recording dry unless I want a compressor or gate.etc. Adjusting your buffers in the tool is all that I can really think of if everything in Sonar is set correctly.HTH I personally really like a few of the mic preamps in PF2 on acoustic guitars and piano, a good starting point is the Studio Vocal preset under PF1 presets, and just adjust everything to your liking.Īnyways, did you adjust your latency using the Line 6 audi/midi tool? ASIO has always been the way to go for me with the UX2. What I personally like to do when micing my amp is not possible, is to find a tone that I really like and use dual tone and record send 1/3 wet into a track and record send 3/4 dry into a separate track, that way I can use the plugin if for some reason the processed track doesn't fit into the mix. One thing that you can do is in PF2, you can go to the mixer(this is where you can choose different i/o's etc.)and change one or both sends to dry input(send 1/2 or send 3/4), this also gives you more control over your send db and has a +18db pad. That's strange, I have a UX2 and recording without PodFarm2 seems fine. If I go straight into Sonar and record, it is off quite a bit (and you can hear it is off while recording). If I run from podfarm into Sonar and record, no latency issue. If I go through podfarm, there is no latency issue, but if I run direct in Sonar, there is. I've also switched drivers, and still have the latency issue. I love the sound I am hearing, unfortunately, there is something like a 1 second delay from hitting the strings and a sound coming back from sonar. However, pod farm blows for acoustic (been trying all kinds of combos & sounds, and even dry- their 'dry' doesn't seem to be dry), so I am going straight into Sonar with the mic (bypassing pod farm). If I mic through pod farm 2 into Sonar, everything is fine. I am now trying to record acoustic guitar, so I am using a mic. I've been recording electric, all is fine. I am using Line 6 UX1 interface for my guitar.

Pod farm reason 9.5